Thursday, September 04, 2008


There's an awful lot of gold in these, er...hills. This mine is no longer operating, but my understanding is that the headframe and property is being maintained.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hamilton....some ideas

Sketch painting - don't want to take this any further...was simply working out some ideas.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have yet to figure out... to post images nicely in this space without losing everything.

Meanwhile, I haven't got the courage to call myself a photographer, but these are the images I'll be working from over the next little while.

Hollinger Mine: Drilling

Monday, July 21, 2008


Visited Ste Marie among the Hurons this weekend and was captivated by the light in the smokehouse. Love the tang of woodsmoke, and while in search of the 'perfect' feeling, it was amusing to listen to other tourists hollering "PETA! Argh!" in a holier-than-thou fashion.

I'm not at all sure about the accuracy of the reenactment, but if it is, then this is 16th century food processing and primary manufacturing of hides in Canada.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Objects are closer than they appear

Sporadic entries, I know. Howver, I have booked myself an exhibition space in August, and had better get up to speed. I honestly don't know where to start - but as I was browsing through the photos and pics that survived the demise of the ol' desktop, I found this. Epitomizes the city for me...all the energy is in the getting there and back again.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting off the Gardiner and playing with Photoshop

(or it's equivalents).

I like playing with pictures, for any purists out there who think that photoshopping is cheating, well, think twice. I think it's important to get it right it the viewfinder, but his step is often a mediation point for me and some further drawings. Photoshop? It's a tool....same as a pencil.

Anyway, I have a major clog in the creative artery, but this random point and shoot caught my eye because it's all the signage you need to get "to the downtown Toronto". (A city I live right on top of, but don't know and should; a city I would like to explore some more; a city who's sense of beauty I haven't figured out.

Getting off the Gardiner: Toronto

Friday, January 18, 2008

Anyone notice I took a year or two off?

Hamilton: Sharpie; digital manipulations. Took the sketch, scanned it, and played. What happens to the original drawing is yet to be seen.