Sunday, December 05, 2004


I don't consider myself a photographer, but I use the same eye for photographs that I use for painting.

I still think that picking up film is as exciting as opening Christmas presents, and the anticipation - especially if it's been awhile since the film was shot, is alarmingly physical.

Might not even wait until Christmas for a digital camera - I had the honour of using a friend's on the way home from our Second City Sundays - and am sitting here, lovingly going through all these pictures of a drive I take for granted - seeing things for the first time.

The intention, of course, is to use this stuff as reference material for collage, but I can't help taking a tweaklet here and there with my photoediting software. The one from New York City needed some heat, blur and contrast, and today's took a little crop here, a little colour pushing there, a straightening nudge...

Not really to "fix" a photo, but to see if it can go just a little further, say something just a little bigger than when it was taken. That, and it's much easier to double click the mouse than to haul out glue and paint at 11:00 on a Sunday night.

1 comment:

Tim Norton - The Acting Artist said...

We'll take our sweet time home after each class, taking a different route every time. Much to see in Toronto, if you know where and when to look.

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