Monday, December 27, 2004

Winter, Christmas and Tsunamis

I got a wonderful new toy for Christmas - a dedicated slide and negative scanner - one more reason to stay glued to the computer.

It's also -26C as I write - another good reason to stay glued to the computer.

And it was with horror that I read today's freshest blog link.

Mother Nature, in her wisdom, may be teasing me with frostbite, but she has unleashed a tsunami, claiming 20,900 lives in Asia yesterday.

Apparently, tsunamis are "invisible" until they reach shallower ground, when a 10 metre wall of water appeared without warning at the seaside resort of Chennai, India.

The magnitude of destruction is unfathomable; complaints of predictably cold weather simply disappear in comparison.

A succinct, well-written blog by Vivek says it all. He has also posted sites where help/funds may be donated for relief.

Update: From the About Guides
An overview of the situation and background information on tsunamies.


Tim Norton - The Acting Artist said...

It's a horrible catastrophe on a level that's difficult to fathom. I tell you, television does not do justice to what has happened. From what you see on the amateur footage, it looks like it's not that bad...but as we can see, it was. The toll at this time is over 52000 people have perished, with many still missing. Unbelievable and tragic. Melanie and I immediately sent a donation...who are we to sit back and just ignore what's happening when we are able to help. I hope more people in the world feel the same.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Tim...I've sent a donation to the Red Cross as well.

The connection here came from blogrolling through, and I came upon Vivek's earlier post and thoroughly enjoyed his writing. So, the next day, I went back to check his blog, and THIS.

He's there, right now, and because of that one piece of wonderful writing, now I care a whole lot more.

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