Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Royal Ontario Museum. Again. I thought this by far the most interesting "exhibit". I'm not keen on the final product (according to the maquette) - reminds me of the pyramid at the Louvre gone mad. Mind you, I don't much like the pyramid at the Louvre either. Marrying the old with the new seems to cheapen both; although their offspring can be quite elegant - such as the National Art Gallery in Ottawa. I wax loquacious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. It reminds me of the watercolour renderings one of my architecture professors used to create (he was fantastic at that stuff).

As for the ROM... I saw the initial presentation that Liebskin gave during the competition phase and his winning entry was much different (at least from an exterior cladding/facade point-of-view) than what is being built. Unfortunately that tends to be the case with competitions. 'Great design, you win!' 'Thanks, oh, we can't actually build this for the budget by the way, so here's the *real* design...' sigh.

What I *did* like about the competition entry was that there were some fantastic interior volumes for the new building, including ways of experiencing them from various elevations so I hope that remains. Otherwise... The Louvre gone awry.

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